Sunday, July 30, 2017

Hero of the Week 2

"Nobody asked to be a hero. It just sometimes turns out that way" (Black Hawk Down).

Welcome back viewers!
This week's hero is...

Frank Edward (Ed) Ray

Ed Ray was a bus driver who worked for a school in Chowchilla California. On July 15, 1976, he was driving 26 children home from summer school when the unthinkable happened. Three armed men stopped the bus and kidnapped Ray and all the children off the bus and forced them into two vans. The kidnappers then drove Ray and the kids to a rock quarry near Livermore, California. The captives were then forced to enter a trailer that was half-buried in a large hole. After the captives entered the trailer, the kidnappers then proceeded to bury it under four feet of gravel. After being buried for at least 16 hours, Ray and two of the older kids managed to open one of the trailer's trapdoors and dig their way out through the gravel. Ray then helped all 26 children out of the trailer and managed to get hold of the police. The children were eventually reunited with their overjoyed families after they had gone missing for over 17 hours. The three kidnappers were later arrested and sentenced to life in prison.

Thanks to Ed Ray's heroism, all 26 kids survived their horrific ordeal. He received a citation from the California School Employees Association for his heroism and saving the children on his bus. February 26th was declared "Edward Ray Day" by the city of Chowchilla in his honor. Frank Edward Ray continued to work as a bus driver for Chowchilla until he retired in 1988. In the last years of his life he was frequently visited by the kids he helped rescue. He passed away on May 17, 2012, at the age of 91. Frank Edward Ray showed incredible care and dedication to the children he swore to protect. He never asked for any rewards nor did he ever capitalize on his fame. As a bus driver he put the safety of his kids ahead of his own and helped save their lives during a horrific ordeal. He represents the best of the people who work to educate the youth of our country.

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