Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hero of the Week 11

Welcome back viewers!

This week's hero is....

Ida Lewis

Ida Lewis was born on February 25, 1842 in Newport Rhode Island. Her parents were Hosea and Zoradia Lewis. Ida's father worked as a Revenue Cutter Service Captain. In 1854, he was appointed lighthouse keeper at the Lime Rock Light in Newport. However, just months into his service at the lighthouse, Hosea suffered a severe stroke that left him debilitated. He would die in 1872, due to complications of his stroke. As a result his wife, Zoradia took over as the lighthouse keeper at the Lime Rock Light with Ida often helping as an assistant. From early in her childhood, Ida had established herself as an expert boat handler. She was quoted as being a much faster rower than any man in Newport. Her rowing skills would be put to the test on March 29, 1869.

On that night two American soldiers (Sgt. James Adams and Pvt. John McLaughlin) were arriving at their new post at Fort Adams. To get to the fort, they needed to cross Newport Harbor. The two soldiers hired a local boy (his name is unknown) to guide them across the harbor to get the fort in a rowboat. During the trip the seas got rough and a snowstorm blew in from the open ocean. The rough seas caused the small boat to capsize, throwing its three passengers into the icy water. Ida spotted the capsized boat from the lighthouse and realized that they would freeze to death unless they were rescued. Despite suffering from a cold herself, Ida Lewis got into her own boat and rowed out to the men in the water. She reached them and heaved the two men into the boat. Tragically, the boy had been washed away by the current (he was never found). Ida quickly rowed the freezing men back to the lighthouse where she saved the two from dying of hypothermia.

Thanks to Ida's quick actions, both Adams and McLaughlin made full recoveries. Ida Lewis was commended by the commanders of Fort Adams for her heroism. When her mother, Zoradia died in 1879, Ida inherited the job of light housekeeper. During her service she rescued a total of 18 people from dying in the sea (that is what is documented, she may have saved even more). In 1881, she received the Gold Lifesaving Medal from the US government. She was the first women to ever receive such an honor. 

Ida Lewis continued to serve as the lighthouse keeper of the Lime Rock Light until her death on October 24, 1911, at the age of 69. Ida Lewis was a brave and moral woman who risked her life to save others on multiple occasions. Some people even called her the, "bravest woman in America". It was a title she very much earned. She is definitely someone who deserves our respect and admiration.

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