Monday, May 14, 2018

Hero of the Week 38

Welcome back viewers!

This week's hero is...

Abbie Burgess

Abbie Burgess was born on August 1, 1939 in Rockwell, Maine. She grew up in Rockwell until she and her family moved to the Matinicus Rock lighthouse at Penobscot Bay after her father had found work as the keeper of the lighthouse there. Adjusting to life on Mantinicus Rock was far from easy for Abbie and her family. The work around the lighthouse was very tedious and the weather was usually very harsh. However, nothing could have prepared anyone for what would happen in January of 1856.

That month, Abbie's father (Samuel) left the lighthouse to retrieve supplies from Rockwell. Samuel left Abbie in charge of the lighthouse (as her mother was sick at the time). As the days past, a large storm approached the bay. For the next couple of days, the storm battered the lighthouse. Soon the waves began to break over and flood the island. In desperation to save her family, Abbie quickly got her mother and younger siblings out of their house and walk to the lighthouse. Once her family was inside, Abbie immediately went to the storehouse to get food and water (she also grabbed her pet chickens as well). After this she locked the door to the lighthouse. 

Despite his best efforts, Abbie's father could not return to Matanicus Rock as the violent storm made any landing impossible. By January 19, Matanicus Rock was almost completely underwater with only the lighthouse tower remaining above sea-level. For the next four weeks, Abbie Burgess and her family remained in the lighthouse waiting out the storm and the foul weather that followed.  During this time, Abbie cared for her family and kept the light in the tower burning. She described the experience many years later. 

"The new dwelling was flooded and the windows had to be secured to prevent the violence of the sray from breaking them in. As the tide came, the sea rose higher and higher, till the only endurable places were the light-towers. If they stood we were saved, otherwise our fate was only too certain. But for some reason, I know not why, I had no misgivings, and went on with my work as usual. For four weeks, owing to rough weather, no landing could be effected on the Rock. During this time we were without the assistance of any male member of our family. Though at times greatly exhausted with my labors, not once did the lights fail. Under God I was able to perform all my accustomed duties as well as my father's."

Abbie's father eventually returned with a rescue party to find his family alive and well. The family would continue to live at the lighthouse for another 5 years until Samuel Burgess lost his position due to political reasons. After that Abbie's family returned to Rockwell. However Abbie stayed behind at the lighthouse as an assistant the new keeper (a man named, John Grant) in operating the light. She eventually fell in love and married one of Grant's sons (Isaac Grant). Abbie and Isaac (who was also an assistant keeper) remained at Matanicus Rock until they were reassigned to the Whitehead Light in 1875. They worked there with their four sons for the next 15 years until they retired in 1890. Abbie Burgess died in Portland on June 6, 1892 at the age of 53.

Abbie Burgess is one of the most exemplary figures that I have ever read about. She was someone who dedicated her life to serving her fellow citizens and her duty. She had great responsibility placed on her at a very young age and still came through. I believe that she is one of the greatest heroes in American history!

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